Grammar specification for Cedar schemas
This topic describes the grammar specification for the Cedar schema format. For a more complete description, see Cedar schema format.
The grammar applies the following conventions.
- Words with initial capital letters designate grammar constructs.
- Words in all capital letters designate lexical tokens.
When productions or tokens match those in the Cedar policy grammar, use the same names, for example IDENT
and Path
Grammar constructs use the following symbols:
designates alternatives.[]
designates optional productions.()
designates grouping.{}
designates repetition of a form zero or more times.
Tokens are defined using regular expressions:
designates character ranges.|
designates alternation.*
, and?
designate zero or more, one or more, and zero or one occurrences, respectively.~
designates complement.-
designates difference.
The grammar adopts the same string escaping rules as the Cedar policy grammar.
Annotation := '@' IDENT '(' STR ')'
Annotations := {Annotations}
Schema := {Namespace}
Namespace := (Annotations 'namespace' Path '{' {Decl} '}') | Decl
Decl := Entity | Action | TypeDecl
Entity := Annotations 'entity' Idents ['in' EntOrTyps] [['='] RecType] ['tags' Type] ';'
Action := Annotations 'action' Names ['in' RefOrRefs] [AppliesTo]';'
TypeDecl := Annotations 'type' TYPENAME '=' Type ';'
Type := Path | SetType | RecType
EntType := Path
SetType := 'Set' '<' Type '>'
RecType := '{' [AttrDecls] '}'
AttrDecls := Annotations Name ['?'] ':' Type [',' | ',' AttrDecls]
AppliesTo := 'appliesTo' '{' AppDecls '}'
AppDecls := ('principal' | 'resource') ':' EntOrTyps [',' | ',' AppDecls]
| 'context' ':' RecType [',' | ',' AppDecls]
Path := IDENT {'::' IDENT}
Ref := Path '::' STR | Name
RefOrRefs := Ref | '[' [RefOrRefs] ']'
EntTypes := Path {',' Path}
EntOrTyps := EntType | '[' [EntTypes] ']'
Name := IDENT | STR
Names := Name {',' Name}
Idents := IDENT {',' IDENT}
IDENT := ['_''a'-'z''A'-'Z']['_''a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9']*
STR := Fully-escaped Unicode surrounded by '"'s
PRIMTYPE := 'Long' | 'String' | 'Bool'
WHITESPC := Unicode whitespace
RESERVED := 'Bool' | 'Boolean' | 'Entity' | 'Extension' | 'Long' | 'Record' | 'Set' | 'String'